Guided or independent walks in the national park are excellent ways to discover this idyllic landscape with its rocky peaks, scree slopes, Alpine meadows and forests of mountain pines and green alders. One real "must" is a tour to Lake Königssee, which cuts like a fjord between Mount Watzmann, the "sea of rocks" area and the Hagen mountains. The lake water is of excellent quality and fit for drinking, a sign of how unspoilt the national park area is.

* The Eagle's Nest
* Jenner cable car
* Obersalzberg documentation centre
* Berchtesgaden visitor salt mine
* Watzmann thermal baths
* Lake Königssee
* Berchtesgaden Palace
* Marktschellenberg ice cave

The national park offers a wide range of tours. The Jenner cable car, which travels to an altitude of 1,800 metres to the edge of the national park, is especially popular. On the Alpine paths and mountain climbs at this height, visitors can really relax, enjoy the peace and quiet and admire the beauty of the scenery. The national park also organises walks for medical purposes.